Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flipped - Movie Adaptations of Books Done Right

A few years back I picked up Wendelin Van Draanen’s book Flipped. I remember it being a beautifully written story about a first crush that featured the perfect balance of humor and sentimentality. So I of course need to start off by highly recommending this book to everyone. It will obviously resonate with middle readers and parents will love it for it's wholesome qualities. 

Now there have been plenty of books that have been turned into movies. Usually the ones I most anticipate seeing are those adapted from my favorite childhood or young adult books. Sometimes directors do a fairly decent job (i.e. Bridge to Terabithia) and other times they make me want to scream (i.e. Tuck Everlasting). But I don't think I have ever scene a more perfectly adapted book then in the movie version of Flipped

I don't know if I was just living under a rock or if there was honestly not that much publicity around this movie I didn't even know it was made until I saw it on a Redbox listing. First thought: "Hey I once read a book with that same title." And then it was more like, "Wait a second, this looks like it was based on that book."

Well last Monday was an all together icky rainy day and it felt like perfect weather to curl up on the couch and watch a movie. Let me tell you Flipped was the perfect movie for the occasion. It was such a wonderful feel good throw back to the golden days of childhood and to the golden eras of the 50's. I honestly can't remember if the book was based in the 50's but that was the absolute perfect setting for this movie.

And from what I can remember the movie truly paid wonderful homage to the book. Right down to the alternating points of view that make the story.

So do yourself a favor and check out this movie and until you do here is the beautifully edited trailer for your viewing pleasure.

P.S. Another wonderful book to movie adaptation that you should check both versions out of is My Louisiana Sky featuring a young Michael Cera before he was a household name.

Image Sources:

1 comment:

  1. Let me just say... I recently read this book... 6 months ago. But anwyay, I couldn't sleep one night and I opened it up. I had purchased this book years ago at a book flea market, but I read it, and I thought that it was so good, I kept reading it until 3 o'clock in the morning! I read through the whole book that night.

    I am definitely going to have to look for the movie now!
