Thursday, January 22, 2015


My father-in-law (Hi JD!) keeps picking on me about my absence here. I know it's been MONTHS. And I've thought about blogging often but my heart hasn't been in it. It just seems to take way more time than I have these days. Like even with this post, it was suppose to be quick and simple, but I've been sitting here for 2 hours now and ignoring my half washed sink of dishes.

A lot has been going on, all good, nothing news worthy. On a personal emotional level, I've been a rut that comes from being as SAHM. Before motherhood, whenever I would read about blogging moms feeling like they've lost their identity post first child, I just didn't get it. And for the first few months of Minion's life, I still didn't feel it. But then my mother moved away and my daily interaction with other humans outside of Luke and Minion disappeared. I also lost my support system for getting little mommy breaks to do things that helped me feel fulfilled.
As 2015 rolled around, I decided I needed to find outlets to help me feel like more than just a mom. One of the big things I miss is creating things on a regular basis. Since I was on "maternity leave" for most of 2014 and had my hands full with an infant, there was no reason for me to be crafty and it left a big hole. So after some brainstorming, I refocused my Etsy shop. I'm exclusively speacializing in prints now and have some exciting marketing plans for my Bibliophile Collections. Here's one of my latest prints for a clients...
I've decided that I want to create at least one new print every week in addition to any custom orders I get. I also want to start giving myself at least one craft night each week to work on a small project I can finish in one sitting. Tonight I made this homemade sugar scrub. It took 5 minutes and helped me feel productive.
In my sidebar, you'll find a list of the latest projects I want to try and more in my Make and Do pinterest board. These projects also tie in with my long-term business goal of wanting to manage a booth at an Antique Mall. We have one in the area that I want go check them out at some point but it's not a priority.
Well that's all I got now since the dishes are calling...

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