Thursday, August 14, 2014

How to Make Money on 23 Baby Food Pouches at Target

This deal was too good not to share the details. Since Minion has started on baby food, I have been looking for any good deal I could find to stock up. 

Today I was able to find a killer deal by getting 23 baby food pouches that usually retail for $1.39+/ea for only $.43 at Target. Had Luke's computer not died before I printed one more coupon, this deal would have been a money maker. 

Below is the breakdown to try to get it for yourself :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Our Favorite Three Month Gear

Could this post be any later? We got back from our nearly month-long vacation after Minion already turned 4 months and then both of us came down with a summer cold. We are still recovering, but I wanted to take the chance to put this post together. The past month experienced a lot of developmental changes for Minion. Plus he gained tons of weight, weighing in at 15lbs 1oz for his 4-month checkup. But since we traveled for the entire month we didn't introduce too many new things. Here's what we did use: