Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Postpartum 30 Day Dinner Plan

As the main cook in the family, I knew as soon as I found out I was pregnant, that I would need a plan in place for meals during the first few weeks of adjusting to motherhood. I've known about the Once a Month Mom style of cooking for a while but haven't had the desire to do such a thing before. But for postpartum recovery, it seemed like the perfect idea. So at 35 weeks, I plan to take a day with my mom to prepare 30 days of freezer meals. Since she has a deep freezer, I'll have everything labeled with cooking instructions in there. That way, each day she can just throw the ingredients in a crockpot, stockpot, or the oven, and dinner will be ready in a jiffy :)
This post on preparing 15 crockpot dinners in one day was a great starting point for my meal plan. I love the convenience of crockpot meals, but decided to include some one-pot pastas and a few baked dishes and casseroles to mix things up.
Over the last 2 days, I've created an easy list of each recipe along with the complete shopping list and prep instructions for preparing everything in one afternoon. My goal is to spend around $200 and have everything done in a day. I'll be sure to let you guys know if I succeed at that.
You can check out my dinner plan here if you would like to give it a try yourself :)

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