Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Internet Tools and Sites I love: Organizational Apps

Yesterday I discussed some of my favorite ways to save money using the internet. Today we will discuss some great ways to stay organized online.

Organizing Apps

Google Reader
If you read blogs and have a google account, then you should already know about Google Reader. If you say you don't read blogs, then what are you doing now? And if you don't have a google account, what is wrong with you? Just kidding! But no really! Google might be a nasty conglomerate trying to take over the world but with all the crazy cool amazing things they have created, they can go right ahead! Google Reader is the most amazing tool to keep all your RSS feeds organized and categorized and even starred so you can check back on your favorite posts later. It seriously has saved me hours. I generally keep mine set on list view so that I only have to read the posts that catch my interest in the title and then I can mark all others as read. Or if I'm looking at my Decor blogs and just wat to see pretty pictures, I can go to expanded view and just scroll through them all at once. Or I can select a specific blog and only read the posts of that one. The options are endless!

Ok so this is a new one and is still in the beta testing stage so if you want to check it out you have to be invited (let me know if you want me to hook you up). At first I was apprehensive about using it, I didn't quite get where I was suppose to find pictures and still stay original and fresh and innovative and not just recycle the same pics as everyone else. And then I decided to forget about other people and just focus on what inspired me. And now I am in love! Pinterest is perfect for organizing all the images that inspire me, make me smile, or help me organize my creative thoughts. Plus it is so much easier to use than creating an inspiration board for every project. Best yet, all you have to do is find a webpage with a picture you like, click the "Pin It" button that is now on my toolbar, and write a description. Pinterest will then save the photo to my desired pinboard and attach the originating url to it. So I can always go back and read the article around the photo with a click of a button. No more scouring through google to find where I snatched a photo from again!

Springpad is like a virtual notebook or folder organizing system. No longer to you have to overload you browser with hundreds of bookmarks. Now you simply create "notebooks" to save related websites, products, images, and notes. It is an amazing way to keep organized and now you can write reminders for why you favorited a specific website to begin with.

Wantz.it is a basically a "just cuz" wish list site. It's a great and easy way to mark items you would like and then you can link to it in your various profiles so that others can get ideas for potential gifts. I find it to be a very nice and passive way of saying "this is what I would like to get".

There are literally thousands of organizing sites but I don't like to use too many because then I'd need an organizing site to keep track of those O_o Tomorrow we will discuss the sites I feel in love with while wedding planning.

Disclosure: I was not compensated in any way for writing this post. I just wanted to share some awesome sites with my dear readers :)

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