Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Handwriting: a link up

I found this link up on BLOG.ADRIENNEROSE.ME (whom I had the pleasure to do work for a while back) and loved the idea since I am a big note junky.
Write it Down
The rules were simple... I definitely wanted to give it a try :)

I mostly print because I have never been able to write very pretty. My best friend when I was little would win the penmanship award every year and that's why I had her do the envelope calligraphy for our wedding. Since mine isn't too hot...
I literally had to pre-write those in pencil and it's still crooked O_O oops! But despite all this I do sometimes still try to jazz up my writing like on our chalkboard cabinets.
Oh and this is my other favorite quote...
So there you have it folks, my handwriting in all it's not so pretty glory. But hey the only practice I ever really did with it was for my drafting class and draftsman print isn't too popular in the blogosphere these days.


  1. oh I love your chalkboard cabinets!! so cute :) I'm hoping soon to have a big chalkboard on my wall, it just sounds fun :) hope you're having a good weekend!

    xoxo, Amy

    I'm hosting my 1000th post party, love for you to come!

  2. Very cute!! And that's a beautiful quote about the sun. Totally jealous over your chalkboard menu!
