Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The United States of YA

When  I saw EpicGirl's infographic of  The United States of YA, I fell in love. My only problem was the overwhelming amount of paranormal books on the map. So I decided to make my own featuring books I loved throughout my teen years.
While I have read most of these, I did need to fill in some gaps with the help of GoodReads and this list.
I think this map would make a great summer reading list especially if you have some road trips planned next year.

These books can be purchased via the following affiliate widget...
What titles would you include?


  1. How did you make the map? I tried to make one with J-Fiction books, but I couldn't. Thanx for a second YA map.

    1. I used Photoshop. Using blank map of the US I was able to fit each book cover on a new later with the selection wand and cut tools.
      If you have all the book cover photos and a list of which goes where, I would love to make one for you :-)
