Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The World's Toughest Job

Radio silence. Every day I wake up with plans to write a new blog post about our new life as parents. And every day I go to bed feeling as if I've accomplished not a single personal endeavor and only been half productive as a mother.

The past few nights have been hard, resulting in me sobbing over my sobbing baby. Unfortunately my pregnancy schedule of only sleeping from 3:00 am to noon has stuck with Minion and he wants to nurse non-stop for the 3 hours preceding bedtime.
A constant thought streaming through my head is, how do other mothers do this? How do moms of multiple kids function? How do single moms, or women without support networks survive motherhood while recovering from delivery? I honestly never quantified how hard recovery would be. How my body would feel unable of meeting the new demands it was facing.
And I feel for every woman who doesn't have the help and support available to me. I am so thankful for having my parents right next door. That I can call my mom when I'm at my breaking point at 6 in the morning and she can come right over and relieve me. That when I feel disgusting at 4 in the afternoon, my dad can take a work break and come babysit Minion so I can shower. That my husband only works 4 days a week, so I have his help with diaper changes during the night half the time.
But still I feel so overwhelmed sometimes. And this makes me feel so guilty. So when I saw this video today during our lunch feeding, I literally broke down in tears all over again. I could totally understand and appreciate it on a level I never could have imagined before.

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