Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Communication Idea: Friends & Family Monthly Update Email

"Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you  should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young."

For a while now I have read the several times Sara from 2000 Dollar Wedding and Feed the Soil mentions her monthly Friends & Family Update email. She always raves about how it keeps her in great contact with old friends and how it has opened up the way for receiving great recommendations and suggestions when needed.

I have always been really bad about staying in touch with old friends and since I have moved and travels a lot, I have a lot of old friends. Especially now that we are married and are caught up in newlywed life, it can be very easy to forget to call or text someone, even my parents sometimes :-/

So I decided to take Sara's advice and send out a Monthly Friend & Family Update Email on or near the first of every month. September's debut edition was a hit and I am enjoying receiving the various feedback from different recipients. We filled the letter with a basic overview of what or past 3 months have been like and I hope to share more detailed anecdotes in future editions.

So far the recipient list consists of 85 people from various stages in our lives. If you feel you accidentally got overlooked or would like to be added to our monthly update email list, please send me an email so I'll have your email address :)


  1. That's a great idea! My uncle did it when he and my aunt were travelling. I know I am super slack at keeping in touch with family. Most of my friends I can see once every few months and it's like nothings changed, which is awesome. I should keep in touch more though.

