Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just Sit There & Look Pretty

A few weeks ago I decided to take part in a creative challenge hosted by Emma Tree called "just sit there and look pretty." The premise was to take that phrase and come up with your own interpretation of it in any visual or written medium.

As soon as I read those words, I knew I wanted to create a piece of artwork that spoke out against "being silenced" but I wasn't sure what approach to take. It wasn't until I started thinking about Banned Book Week that I had my theme...


  1. HOORAY! As a writer, former college professor of children's literature, and an auntie, I am horrified by how many amazing books are challenged and/or banned in this country. Your post is so important, and a great interpretation of the "just sit there and look pretty" challenge. I'm so glad I visited you today!

  2. wow what a great interpretation on the theme and I cannot believe that today in the world we live in books can still be banned shame shame

  3. Wow indeed! Love that you put this up! I'll link to you on Thursday and want to say thank you, thank you for joining in this!!


  4. Fantastic. I love art that makes a statement, that says what I believe.

  5. Wow, powerful statement, beautifully executed.

  6. powerful, and a perfect illustration of your statement. i love this.

  7. This is so perfect! This picture should be seen by many. I love it.

  8. Powerful & perfect. This needs to be a poster. Preferably in schools!! Thank you!

  9. Thank you guys for all your wonderful comments! It am so happy at how well received this piece has been since it is something I really care about :)

  10. Interesting interpretation of the theme -- nicely done...

  11. This would make a fabulous campaign poster! I really don't get the whole banning books thing.

  12. SO.FANTASTIC. I LOVE the image!! And I agree with your philosophy! you go, girl!

    thanks for visiting me @findingserendipity today (couldn't leave my addy below)

  13. Wow. What a photo! What a statement.

  14. This is so powerful. I think its simplicity provides its greatest impact. I love it. Well done! I'm going to post this link on Twitter, I hope others stop by to see it as a result!
