Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What I Wore: 22 Weeks Pregnant

I don't believe I've ever done one of these posts but I've always wanted to. I love the format Rachel at Smile & Wave uses for hers and especially that we are pretty close in our pregnancies :)
My bump started showing pretty early (around 8 weeks) but my belly has just exploded in this past month. I am constantly getting comments about if they've made sure there is only 1 in there. I've been taking it in stride, especially since Minion does have a huge head. An 83 year old man in our Congregation actually said, "Well you're gaining weight!" But I couldn't even be offended because I know he's old and just doesn't have a filter anymore and means well, and of course it's true after all...lol.

This past weekend turned super cold for down here so we really had to bundle up for Sunday meeting. I've been having to get creative with my wardrobe to stay warm and accommodate my belly. I was fortunate enough to have a friend give me a ton of her old maternity clothes and I've been mixing those with some of my pre-preggers stuff. The main issue has been my belly sitting low, and I actually had to go out and buy 3 new pairs of pants because my other maternity ones weren't fitting right :-/
Ignore Luke's messy music corner
I actually really liked how this outfit came together and wanted to record it. If only it had been warm enough to take the pictures outside :(

Outfit Details: Dress, Liz Lange Maternity for Target. Shirt, Motherhood. Blouse, Worthington. Sweater, Croft & Barrow. Belt c/o my mom's closet. Leggings, Xhilaration. Boots, Franco Sarto circa 2005.

Oh I also wanted to share this comparison of Minion's sonogram profile to Luke's at 1 day old :)

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