Sunday, January 12, 2014

365: What's On My Screen? - Day 1

When I first joined instagram in 2012, I had an idea for a 365 project based on what is on my computer screen each day. I lost steam about a month in, but the idea has always lingered in my mind.
So for 2014, I want to give it a go again. I'm not committing myself to 365 consecutive days but I want to continue it until I hit that number.
Each day, I will share a photo of what I'm doing on the computer, my phone, or reading on my kindle. Basically anything related to screen time. And I'll include a brief statement about what I am doing. I love the theme of this 365 project BC it's a behind the scenes peak without feeling narcissistic like a selfie series would...
So for Day 1, I rarely ever go to sleep in the same "day" as waking up but find myself most productive late at night. Tonight I had fun collecting photography business tips and ideas on pinterest. Especially fell in love with some new actions :-)

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