Monday, February 10, 2014

Raising my Blood Count with Iron Rich Green Smoothies

At my 24-week blood test, my blood count (HGB) was lower than they would like to see at a 10.8. So the goal is for me to get that much higher for my 36-week draw. My midwives really recommended me upping my iron intake naturally and gave me a list of iron rich foods. Looking at the list, the easiest way I could think of getting my daily dose of iron was to make green smoothies.
I have tried green smoothies in the past and they are definitely an acquired taste and texture, but for Minion's sake I knew I need to suck it up.
A little bit of pinteresting helped me find this method of preparation. I liked that it was a quick and easy way to prepare several smoothies at once without losing any nutritional value.
Before I started preparing them, I wanted to come up with a base that would pack the most iron possible. I used the USDA nutritional data to figure out common iron values and took the recommendation from friends of adding in some blackstrap molasses.
This smoothie will give you 14 mg of the 27 mg the CDC says pregnant women need or more than half our daily needed value. Since this is non-heme iron, you will need to eat vitamin-c rich foods at the same time to help your body absorb that iron. Some easy ways to do this are mixing in an orange, pineapple, strawberries, or cantaloupe in your smoothie or eating them on the side.
To create my base I used:
1 Cup (2 Handfuls) Spinach (.8mg)
1/4 Cup Oats (.85mg)
1/4 Flaxseed (2.4mg)
1 Capsule (550mg) Ginger Root (break to release powder)

Then I added various fruits for flavor. I added 1 Banana cut into pieces and 1 Cup of canned Fruit (Peaches, Pears, or Pineapple) or 1 pealed and segmented Mandarin.

Place everything in a freezer quart bag and freeze until ready to eat.

When Ready to Drink
Pour 1 Cup Prune Juice (3mg) into bottom of blender.
Empty baggie contents over juice.
Top with 2 TBS Blackstrap Molasses (7mg).

Blend until smooth - for me it takes about 2 minutes at 30 second intervals.
This will fill a Quart Size Mason Jar. For myself, the key to drink it all is using a straw. The straw helps make the texture go down smoothly like an ice cream shake :)

I can't report yet how this has helped my body boost it's blood count but I'm definitely hoping for higher numbers at my next draw. I'll be sure to share the results :)

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