Monday, November 1, 2010

Geek Out! or AEDM Day 1

So I have decided to get back into making Artist Trading Cards (ATCs)and am very excited about it. It's a great way to experiment and try new art techniques and doesn't take too much time because of the small format.

I really love joining ATC swaps to collect other awesome pieces of art and hope to create a cool wall art mural out of my collection. Most swaps usually revolve around a set theme that different artists work within. The latest set I did was themed: "I Heart Nerds!" We could create any type of ATC as long as it was based on some form of nerd or geek culture.

For my set I decided to do encaustic painted cards with featuring quotes from Wired's 100 Quotes Every Geek Should Know list...

I am also counting these as my Day 1 project for Art Every Day Month. Let's see if I actually keep up to everyday ;)

So is there anyone else out there who has taken a stab at making ATCs before?

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