Sunday, December 2, 2012

30 Days. 30 Dresses. 30 Dollars.

As part of my 101 in 1001, I set the creative goal of doing a 30 Day. 30 Dress. 30 Dollar challenge. This idea was inspired by the New Dress a Day project.

While eventually I want to purge my wardrobe and minimize my closet space, I do love the feeling of having new clothes. But with a total combined monthly budget of $50, I don't do a lot of shopping. So the idea of refashioning and upcycling really appeals to me.
So for 30 days, I plan to come up with 30 new wardrobe pieces (anything from clothing to shoes to accessories) for $30. I will be rummaging through my own packed away clothes boxes as well as local thrift shops and maybe even a trip to "the dig." (that is an experience all on it's own to share) I'm hoping to accomplish this in 30 consecutive days, but the last 2 weeks will be a little crazy, so we will see :)
Stay tuned for my daily dose of fashion for the next month :)

1 comment:

  1. I SO love this project & want to try it. Btw...I will accompany you to "the dig" anyday! I know a few great spots and @ .30 cents/ lb you cant go wrong. :) Happy dressing!
