Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Dig

So remember how I mentioned "the dig" last week. Well my friend Jessica offered to go with me today :)
"The dig" is what we call Tres Dimensiones. It is a used clothing warehouse that piles all their clothes into a large mountain that you literally have to dig through. There are dozens of these places on 23rd St between McAllen and Hidalgo, but Tres Dimensions is our favorite because they only charge $.30/lb. Yes that's right, you're buying clothes like meat by weighing it!

I came home with 20 items for only $4.01. One of them was a vintage book that was $.25. So that means I basically spent $.188 for each other piece. Of those, 12 are for refashioning so that means I only spent $2.25 towards my Project 30.30.30 budget. Add in the $1 I spent on a top back at goodwill and so far, I have spent $8.25 of my $30. So I still have $21.75 for the rest of the month... score!

Jessica brought the twins and they had a blast and I had a blast playing with them. It was like being in a giant padded room so they kept having me toss them around flip them and stuff.
Going to "the dig" is always a favorite trip for me and the winter time is best because you don't get hot and sweaty and the Winter Texans are really nice too.
Stay tuned to see what I have in store for my finds once they come out of the wash ;)
Would you ever consider buying clothes this way?

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